Emacs 三年

潜心修炼 Emacs 和 Emacs Lisp 已经 3 年多,我经常会感觉自己一直在原地打转,并为此困惑不已。

直到今天,源于一个我从 2021 年开始启用的有道词典在线插件,今天发现它开始出服务器错误提示了。对此我其实是一点都不意外,因为我现在已经坚信「简单化」和「本地化」才是王道。何不借此机会,干脆写一个 function 直接调用我本地的 GoldenDict 呢?直觉告诉我,这应该不难。

而这“直觉”属实让我兴奋和惊喜!要知道 1 年前这种想法我是想都不敢想的。

于是,大概 10 分钟后,我就有了这样的一段代码。



I have been devoted to mastering Emacs and Emacs Lisp for over 3 years now, but I often feel like I'm spinning my wheels and it confuses me.

Until today, when I encountered a server error message from the Youdao Dictionary online plugin that I started using in 2021. I wasn't surprised at all because now I firmly believe that "simplicity" and "localization" are the way to go. So why not take this opportunity and write a function to directly call my local GoldenDict? My intuition tells me that it shouldn't be difficult.

And this intuition truly excites and surprises me! You see, a year ago, I wouldn't have dared to entertain such an idea.

So, about 10 minutes later, I had this piece of code.

And now, I finally feel like I'm not spinning my wheels anymore.

Because the mountain is always there, but its image has become clear to me.

Jason Tian
[2023-07-27 Thu 17:56]